Clash Royale Deck #43


This Zap and Log bait deck, despite of numerous tries by the developers to Nerf it, it still is over powering. If you have that sense of quick cycling between cheap cards like Princess, Goblin Gang, Miner and Goblin Barrel, without just throwing them here and there, you will surely do well with this deck.

Defensively the Inferno Tower takes the charge of all the tanks and all that cheap swarm takes out everything else.

Clash Royale Deck #42


Mega Knight is the main reason why this deck is out here because he is so over powering everywhere. Not only Mega Knight, but the way Bandit and Ram Rider controls the attacking department, leaves the opponent with no clue what to do. The main tip that I found was that to keep the Mega Knight as a surprise element till the last minute when the 2X elixir starts and then just punch him down on splashers and medium HP units.

Defensively the Electro Wizard and Minions combo does pretty well. Again the Mega Knight comes in action defensively as well as the greatest tank killer of all time, the Inferno Dragon. 

Clash Royale Deck #41


Royal Giant is a real demon both on ladder and tournaments. Barbarian Barrel works well with him and so does Furnace. With constant rage by the Lumberjack, and air assistance by Mega Minion, the Royal Giant plays a kind of one sided games very often.

Defensively the Electro Wizard and Baby Dragon combo, often helped by furnace works surprisingly well. Just go by the simple rule, more furnace on your side, faster the victory.  

Clash Royale Deck #40


This bridge spam deck is a really solid combo. If you don't know what a bridge spam deck is, just read the name again. If you are a regular player, you must have used or faced this deck at least once. Lumberjack, Bandit, Battle Ram, all these cards are the once which you will prefer to play on the bridge straight away. Just wait for the perfect opportunity, and spam that bridge.

Defensively Musketeer is a best with the recent buffs. Barbarian Barrel requires some cheeky plays but with Ice Golem and Minions, you don't need to be a pro.   

Clash Royale Deck #39

CLASH ROYALE :: ICY LUMBER-LOON here to copy this deck...

This cheap Balloon cycle deck is a beast. Its fast, its difficult to stop and it dominates. The main attacking star of this deck is the Balloon but very often you will find Miner, Lumberjack and Musketeer doing almost the similar job.

Defensively, Lumberjack kills the tower targeting units very fast. Musketeer with the recent buff looks very strong Ice Golem, Ice Spirits and Bats provide distraction as well as regular chip damage.

Stay tuned for more Clash Royale Decks & Tips.

Clash Royale Deck #38


Firstly, this deck is really fun to use, Secondly it wins easily and Thirdly its heavy. All these three things will pop in your mind while using this deck. Hog Rider, Royal Hogs and Royal Giant are the attackers who also like Rage spell a lot.

Defensively, as always, Wizard is the king. He is pretty strong himself and when played with Valkyrie and Baby Dragon, he can stop literally anything in this game. Royal Recruits play an all rounder role, although mostly defensively then at the same time attacking the other side.

Clash Royale Deck #37


This is a basic and simple Giant and Witch combo deck which adds the punch with the fact that it has both Minions and Minion Horde. It's easy to play and all the plays made are the most elementary. The fact that this deck is easy to use also makes it easy to win as you will feel kind of control over the whole match. Just don't let the enemy kill your Minion Horde easily with Arrows or Fire Ball.

Fire Ball and Zap are always good together. Witch is the main defensive pillar with Minions and Minion Horde providing the helping hand.